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by Emmey哈里斯
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爱尔兰岛以其美丽的自然风光而闻名, the sweeping vistas and dramatic landscapes across the Emerald Isle have, 有充分的理由, 出现在无数的电影和电视节目中, 包括 哈利波特, 权力的游戏, 星球大战. 当我开始探索爱尔兰的自然奇观时, it was easy to see how these breathtaking landscapes can seem to transport you to another world. 到目前为止,我在都柏林的东航卡帕留学项目, 我已经参观了爱尔兰几个令人难以置信的地方. 在这篇博文中, 我将会和大家分享一些关于它们的知识, 根据从都柏林到那里的容易程度排名. 这么小的一个岛, there are so many different unique landscapes across 爱尔兰 that are easily accessible to 东航卡帕都柏林 students.



皓 is a small fishing village less than an hour's bus ride northeast of 都柏林. A few friends and I took the bus up to 皓 one evening to do a short hike along the 皓 Cliff Walk, 俯瞰大海. 天气晴朗凉爽, so it was perfect weather for a hike starting at 皓 Summit that took us down into the village. 当我们在山坡上蜿蜒前行时, we were able to see the sun as it set over the water and silhouetted the boats moored in the harbor.



在爱尔兰,夏天太阳落山很晚, 所以当我们到达村子的时候, 那是晚上10点左右, 大多数商店和餐馆都关门了. 然而, I would love to go back sometime and explore this seaside town; it seems like a great place to relax after a full day of hiking.


描述:威克洛郡的格兰达洛山谷. 在这张照片中,你可以看到6世纪修道院的一些废墟.

  1. Glendalough

在六世纪,圣. Kevin founded a monastery in the Glendalough Valley, which today lies in County Wicklow. 这座修道院的废墟仍然屹立着, the surrounding area consists of several beautiful hiking trails at varying intensity levels.



我的室友和我去了圣. 凯文今天去格兰达洛的巴士, 我们在湖边野餐的地方, 徒步去了一处瀑布, 在阳光下放松. 探索老修道院的废墟也很有趣.


描述:标志性的莫赫悬崖. 在这张图片的右手边,你可以看到下雨了!

  1. 母亲悬崖

An excursion to the 母亲悬崖 and 高威 was actually included as part of the 东航卡帕都柏林 程序, I was very excited to visit one of 爱尔兰's most stunning and recognizable natural sites! 我们乘长途汽车去了爱尔兰西海岸的悬崖, 经过几座城堡,穿过几英里田园诗般的乡村.



我们到达悬崖时,天相当多云, but our tour guide said that the view is actually better when the sky is overcast because bright sunshine can obscure some of the details of the cliffs. Fortunately, it only rained briefly, but it was extremely windy during our visit! This definitely made our hiking along the cliffside feel like quite an adventure. 那无边无际的悬崖令人难以置信, I think the somewhat tempestuous weather added to the romance of our journey to the cliffs.


描述:莫赫悬崖毗邻布伦河, 一个独特的岩石地形,我们也参观了作为我们的长途旅行的一部分.

在莫赫悬崖待了将近两个小时之后, 长途汽车带我们去了美丽的戈尔韦市. 我和室友决定在戈尔韦过夜, 周末剩下的时间里,我们可以在这里的商店里逛一逛, 尝试各种各样的海鲜, 然后沿着科里布河进行短途巡航.



  1. 巨人堤道

Another weekend trip my roommates and I took was to Belfast in Northern 爱尔兰. 当我们在那里的时候, we went on a coach tour that took us up to the north coast of the island of 爱尔兰. We were extremely fortunate to have perfect weather that offered us amazing views of the ocean and coastline, 很明显,在某些情况下, 我们甚至可以看到北海峡对岸的苏格兰部分地区.


描述:大西洋的北海峡. On the right is Rathlin Island and in the distance on the left is the Scottish island of Islay.

The highlight of the tour was, without a doubt, the world-famous 巨人堤道. 根据传说, the giant Finn McCool constructed the causeway so he could fight the Scottish giant Benandonner. 然而, 当贝南多纳穿过堤道前往爱尔兰时, Finn was able to deceive him into thinking that Finn was much bigger and fiercer than he actually was. Thoroughly intimidated, Benandonner fled back to Scotland, destroying the causeway behind him. A more scientific explanation is that the Causeway's interlocking basalt rock columns were formed when lava from a volcanic eruption cooled.


Caption: The basalt rock columns of the 巨人堤道 could have either been formed by a volcanic eruption or built and destroyed during a feud between two giants—whichever story you choose to believe!

在我看来,巨人之路绝对是一个不容错过的景点. The incredibly unique rock formation was unbelievably beautiful from every angle; my roommates and I agreed that we could have spent hours exploring it. I also think it was a good idea to book a coach tour in order to see the Causeway because we did not have to navigate public transportation to the somewhat remote location, we got the opportunity to visit some sites we most likely would not have seen otherwise, 比如黑树篱, 卡里克-雷德绳桥, 还有邓卢斯城堡.


Caption: The Causeway was huge; it really felt like we had been transported to a fantasy world.

爱尔兰几乎每个角落都充满了自然美景, 我知道还有很多东西需要我去探索. 爱尔兰是大自然爱好者的梦想之地, extensive public transportation across the country makes 都柏林 a great launching point for adventures across the island. 在格兰达洛或霍斯,你不必走很远就能逃离大自然, it's very simple to get to places farther afield like 高威 or Belfast to experience a different part of 爱尔兰 for the day or the weekend. I'm so excited to see what other opportunities are in store for the rest of my time in 都柏林, I know the memories I'm making at these iconic sites throughout 爱尔兰 will last a lifetime.

Emmey哈里斯 内容创造者-博主.
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