Balancing My Coursework as I 宝博体育 in 悉尼, 澳大利亚


"A dingo ate my homework!" Now, you may not go to jail for saying that, but the repercussions are still there. With 悉尼 having so much to offer, it sometimes can be difficult to prioritize getting your work done in a timely fashion. Not only is there something to do around every corner but the spring-to-summer weather makes it even more difficult.

In order to optimize time management, some things I do include going somewhere to work, waking up early/doing work at night, and keeping a consistent schedule.

Here are a couple of my favorite spots to do work:

  1. State Library of New South Wales

About a 30-minute walk from student housing or a quick train ride away, this gorgeous building is a perfect place to turn your mind on and shut the outside world out. The library was founded in 1826 and encompasses the richness of history and architecture in 澳大利亚. It has a large study area where people from all over the city gather to do work. The library also offers artwork exhibits, map rooms, a cafe, and loads more. If you need a break from sitting and studying, just stroll around and you'll still end up learning something new!

Library of New South Wales

Library of New South Wales.
  1. 达令港图书馆

Wait"”the spiral building with restaurants all around it has a library? 是的! The Darling Square library opened in 2019 and the Japanese architect behind the unique building also designed the stadium for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games.

  1. 咖啡店

Most coffee shops in 悉尼 offer free Wi-Fi and indoor seating. If you are a coffee lover (like myself) you'll probably end up grabbing coffee at some point in the day, so you may as well do some work in the meantime.

Coffee from Auvers Cafi© outside of Darling Square Library

Coffee outside of Darling Square Library.

Stay Ahead and Get Your Work Done Early

It can be tempting to put off work for "the weekend" or a day off - but trust me - when it comes down to it you will be happy to get it done. One of the things that I try to do is wake up early and knock out a lot of my work before the day begins. 这种方式, if something happens during the day or if it ends up being really nice out, I won't feel bad about going out to explore.

Managing your time is extremely important anywhere but especially while you are 宝博体育!

Hiking at Land Cove National Park in 澳大利亚

Hike at Land Cove National Park.


For the most part, the assignments for my classes are due at the same time every week. 考虑到这一点, I usually try and stick with completing the discussion posts or readings at a set time during the week. For example, I have two Monday classes that have discussion posts due before the following class. I know throughout the week I will get busier with other courses and work, so I try and stay ahead and get those done early in the week. It is an easier way for me to be done with my work before the weekend.

Boats at Manly Beach in 悉尼, 澳大利亚

Hike at Manly Beach in between classes!

Regardless of where you are in the world, classes are just as important as they are back home. Take time to do the readings, turn assignments in on time, and reach out to professors if you need help. Not being stressed about your courses will help you enjoy your time a lot more!


伊丽莎Drohan is the Content Creator - Blogger.