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A study abroad student wearing sunglasses posing for the camera in front of a fountain


嘿! I’m Amelia Tsering and I’m a junior political science major and philosophy and women’s studies double minor at Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego, 加州. 我有幸 通过东航卡帕宝博体育 in 艾克斯、法国 24年春天. 虽然, I took courses at the Institute for American Universities: American College of the Mediterranean, 它就在艾克斯的中心. 我每周上六个小时的法语课, in addition to nine hours of political science and international relations courses. 我非常喜欢在那里的时光,也学到了很多东西. I’m eternally grateful to this place for such a transformative experience. 虽然离开是苦乐参半的, 我感到充实和自信,因为我充分利用了我在国外的学期. I wanted to share a few things that I did while abroad that helped me maximize my experience and become immersed in French culture.  

A study abroad student wearing sunglasses posing for the camera in front of a fountain

阿米莉亚在普罗旺斯艾克斯(Nathan DeBoef拍摄)


法语很难学, 与当地人交谈是一件令人畏惧的事情, 但是要尽你最大的努力! 在我去过的每一个国家(尤其是 法国) people really appreciate it when you make the effort to speak the local 语言. 尝试可能会让人害怕,但这是提高自己的唯一途径. 参加语言课程是非常有帮助的, 因为它为沉浸式学习提供了最好的环境. 有时候当你学习一门语言的时候, 如果他们意识到你说英语,就会改用英语, 但不要因此而气馁! It’s totally fine to switch to another 语言 that’s easier for both of you to understand, 但往往, if you continue speaking your best French (or any other 语言 you’re 学习ing!),人们会转回来继续用法语交谈!  

Two study abroad students smiling at the camera in front of a river and a bridge in the background

Amelia and Joeligh Underwood in 巴黎, 法国 (photo taken by Hannah Young) 

The best way that I 学习ed to get comfortable with practicing French is through daily interactions like in shops and restaurants. 我记得在法国的第一个星期,我很难与人沟通. 想要把一件衬衫在商店里暂时搁置是一个很大的挑战, 但回头看, 这是一次很好的学习经历. Now, I feel much more confident and less nervous when speaking French to others. Getting comfortable with simple dialogue is a great step towards longer conversations.  


Doing some research on cultural differences where you’re going is so important and something I recommend for any country you visit, 尤其是你的留学所在国. We went over some cultural differences and norms here during my orientation, which was so helpful. There are certainly differences in 法国 – particularly in public – people don’t tend to smile at strangers there and it is expected that everyone is quiet on public transportation, 它是如此的宁静! 你应该总是说"你好"和"再见当你进出一家商店或在一家餐馆时, you must ask for the check when you want it since you can sit for as long as you want.  

Speaking of restaurants, another wonderful way to engage with culture is through food! 在法国,每天制作新鲜面包的面包店都有“面包房“如果你想要一个经典的法棍面包,你可以点一个。”法棍面包traditionnelle.” A lot of people buy their bread and fresh produce daily rather than weekly in 法国, 这在Aix中很容易做到. There’s a daily market in the centre ville and there’s a clothing market three times per week as well as a flower market three times a week! 我参加了一个法国烹饪班 东航卡帕短途旅行这是一个了解那里饮食文化的有趣方式. I loved trying new cheeses and pastries and attempting to make French classics! Visiting the markets, 面包房s, and fromageries is both delicious and immersive.  


Being in Europe means that it’s so much easier to travel and go to new countries than it is in the U.S.! One of the best decisions I ever made was prioritizing both getting to know 法国 and traveling outside. I encourage you to get to know the region that you’re in and take advantage of the day trips you can take. 对我来说, 包括像卡西斯这样的普罗旺斯城镇, L 'isle-sur-la-Sorgue, 阿维尼翁, 不错的, 和蒙彼利埃! It’s also easy to bus to the airport and take budget airlines (like RyanAir and EasyJet!)从马赛机场起飞. It’s only 7 euros to get to the airport from Aix’s Gare Routiere and there are a lot of good flight deals for 周末旅行

A study abroad student standing on a building's balcony smiling at the camera


春假期间,我去了 西班牙这是一个千载难逢的机会. I also got the opportunity to visit Fez, Morocco which was one of my very favorite locations.  

A study abroad student facing away from the camera in front of a large colorful building

摩洛哥非斯的阿米莉亚(Nathan DeBoef拍摄)

If you do a little research, you can go to countries while they’re having a specific cultural event. One of my highlights was attending a Viennese Ball in the Hofburg Palace in Austria!  


艾米莉亚和汉娜·杨在克罗地亚斯普利特(Sarah Long拍摄) 

旅行ing both within your host country and to other neighboring countries is such a wonderful 学习ing experience and such a great way to broaden your perspective. As a political science major who is interested in international relations, it has been especially transformative to 学习 about international perspectives. I had the privilege of visiting the European Union Parliament and NATO 总部 in Brussels, 作为我课程的一部分. 我建议对全球政治和治理感兴趣的人去旅行, 学习, 尽可能地让自己沉浸其中. 每一天都是值得的. 

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