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Program Models

At CEA CAPA, we’re committed to providing programs that align with your academic, professional, and personal goals. That’s why we design our programs with you in mind!

Diverse, academically rigorous, discipline-based, 我们的课程注重主动学习,帮助您培养全球竞争力, gain critical thinking skills, communicate cross-culturally, and immerse into local culture–all while earning credits toward graduation.

Standard Programs

Offered across all our locations, 我们的标准课程允许您选择您感兴趣的学科或主题的课程. Depending on the program you choose, you’ll take courses at a CEA CAPA Study Center, a local partner university, or possibly a hybrid of both. 我们的标准课程提供英语或东道国语言授课的课程, 根据您的具体语言能力水平为您提供选择.

Hybrid Programs

Our hybrid programs offer the best of both worlds! 您将体验到我们CEA CAPA学习中心的积极学习环境, 并且有机会在我们当地的合作伙伴那里与其他国际和本地学生一起上课 institutions. Together, the hybrid option provides a truly integrated experience.

Multi-Site Programs

Can’t pick just one location? Learn in multiple cities through a multi-site program. 无论是一月学期的旅行研讨会,让你有机会花两到三周的时间深入学习, hands-on perspective, or multiple locations paired together over the summer, multi-site programs create an unforgettable learning environment.

FYE Abroad

First-Year Experience Abroad is a valuable high impact practice that sets U.S. 机构分离和支持学生的发展和学业成功. Developed based on best practices in higher education, CEA CAPA的项目包含了许多美国大学一年级经验项目的特点.S. campuses, 包括一个强大的学生支持系统和促进反思教学法和指导. By partnering with CEA CAPA, U.S. institutions 将获得CEA CAPA的队列模式,在该模式下,各院校与其他一年级项目共享资源,同时确保在整个学生体验中融入自己的标志性品牌. Learn more here.


CEA CAPA的国际宝博体育项目为您提供独特的, 实践经验,让你在国外学习时获得市场所需的技能. 我们拥有广泛的商业、非营利和非政府组织联系网络 世界各地意味着根据你的专业和学术目标量身定制的宝博体育机会. 在获得经验和技能的同时提高你的薪资,让你在竞争中脱颖而出!

CEA CAPA将您的职位安排与您的专业、学术和个人目标保持一致. Most internships are part-time (so you’ll take other classes abroad, too) and many don’t require foreign language ability.

With few exceptions, CEA CAPA宝博体育可以让你获得学分,同时提供跨文化领导力研讨会. Through dedicated assessment and reflection, 通过学习清晰的表达技巧,你将最大限度地提高你的经验 knowledge gained, 在申请工作或向潜在雇主谈论你的国际经验时,这种能力是必不可少的.

我们希望你的宝博体育安排提供一个有意义的和有意的经验. 这就是为什么申请过程包含一个深思熟虑的预先计划组件, including a Skype or in-person interview to ensure a good match. Sound good?

Search for internships in our locations around the world!

Service Learning


拓展你的世界观,培养你的全球竞争力,因为你参与并努力解决你所在社区面临的问题. Through guided placements, 你将获得无形的研究技能和经验,这将有利于未来的学术努力 比如你的毕业论文,毕业项目,甚至职业规划. 您将学习社区如何团结起来解决社会问题,并获得将使您与众不同的社会文化技能.

Many service learning placements don’t require foreign language skills; those that do will help you hone your proficiency in the host language. Along with your part-time placement, you’ll take academic courses that place your real-life experience into context. Service learning goes beyond traditional volunteering, integrating theoretic and practical components such as:

  • Interaction with local and disadvantaged communities
  • Service to public, non-profit, or non-governmental organizations
  • 对社区需求、挑战、期望和优势的第一手评估
  • 提供具体的服务,从实际任务到战略建议

In the past, CEA CAPA学员已在市政府完成服务学习宝博体育, community development associations, environmental groups, neighborhood committees, community action groups, schools, and more.


CEA CAPA的全球职业发展证书(GCDC)允许您通过与您感兴趣的职业领域的导师联系来扩展您的专业前经验. 参加这个导师计划可以通过提供 practical experience and building skills that employers value.

The GCDC incorporates a 1-credit seminar, 旨在指导你的探索和提高你的全球竞争力. In the mentorship component of the program, 你会找到一位当地的专业人士,他在与你专业相关的行业工作, such as:

  • Non-profit
  • Photojournalism
  • Government
  • School psychology
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Acting/production
  • Business
  • Marketing
  • Fashion design

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*By providing your mobile number, 您同意定期收到来自CEA CAPA Education Abroad的短信,通知您重要的课程截止日期. Message and data rates may apply.

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